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ERIBA - European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing

At ERIBA, we study the mechanisms that result in loss of cells and decline of functioning of cells and tissues. This helps us to understand the causes of ageing, and develop strategies to prevent or combat age-related diseases.

Our studies are specifically focused on the molecular mechanisms that trigger the age-related decline in the function of non-dividing cells and the regulation of self-renewal and (epi-) genetic stability in cells from tissues with continuous turnover. Many studies have documented diminished control of gene expression and protein activity in old cells compared to young cells. We do this research based on different multidisciplinary and technology-oriented approaches, including:

  • next generation sequencing and bioinformatics;
  • flow cytometry;
  • live cell imaging;
  • studies of suitable genetic model systems.
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How our research benefits to society

Our studies are focused on the mechanisms that result in loss of cells with age and the decline in the function of old cells and tissues. We aim to develop novel strategies to prevent or combat age-related disease and to provide evidence-based recommendations for healthy ageing. 




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