The Demaria lab is interested to understand the function of a particular cell state, defined cellular senescence, in relation to organismal aging and age-related diseases. Our goal is to develop new interventions that target senescent cells to reduce morbidity and extend healthy longevity.

Our group aims to dissect and isolate the molecular phenotypes of senescent cells induced by different stimuli, and to characterize how they can promote age-related pathology, including cancer. Cellular senescence is a complex tumor-suppressive mechanism induced by many different stresses characterized by growth arrest, changes in morphology and gene expression, and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, proteases and other molecules that can alter the tissue microenvironment (a phenomenon termed the senescence-associated secretory phenotype or SASP). The Demaria lab has developed new tools to identify, isolate and characterize senescent cells in mice and humans, and to study how senescent cells participate in several biological processes. The effort of the lab is to investigate the differences between beneficial and deleterious effects of cellular senescence with the long-term goal to develop new therapies for the prevention of age-related diseases and cancer. To reach translation, the laboratory also collaborates with several clinical departments and private companies.


Targeting the basis of aging to extend health and longevity

Why we age, succumb to disease and die is a major unanswered question in biology, of interest to everyone who will one day die. Together with many other laboratories worldwide, we have demonstrated in recent years that cellular senescence is a key mechanism driving aging, and targeting senescent cells holds an enormous potential to reduce the burden of diseases and extend healthy longevity. Our mission is to design innovative and highly accessible therapies to improve quality of life and add healthy years to every individual.


Small profile picture of M. Demaria
Marco Demaria Director Research Institute MoHAD and Group Leader of Cellular Senescence and Age-related Pathologies

European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing
University Medical Center Groningen
Building 3226, Room 03.34
PO Box 196, Internal Zip Code FA50
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing
University Medical Center Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan, 1
Building 3226
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands