European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA)
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Building 3226, Room 03.34
PO Box 196, Internal Zip Code FA50
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address

European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA)
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Antonius Deusinglaan, 1
Building 3226
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Phone and e-mail


+31 50 361 73 00
+31 50 361 73 01
+31 50 361 73 02
+31 50 361 73 03

[email protected]

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 - 16:30

Route description


Public transportation

From Groningen Central Station you can either take a taxi to the UMCG or travel by bus 3 (to Lewenborg) or bus 6 (to Beijum). The bus and taxi will stop at Bloemsingel (UMCG Noord).

By car

As soon as you enter Groningen, please follow the road signs to the UMCG. Once you have left the ring road and crossed the bridge over the Eemskanaal, choose at the traffic lights direction UMCG Noord. (You will pass the UMCG main entrance on your left hand side). From here, continue to follow UMCG Noord. When driving along the Petrus Campersingel, turn left at the traffic lights to the Vrydemalaan. After approx. 150 meters turn left to enter the UMCG premises to the car park Noord or drive straight ahead for car park Boterdiep.