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ERIBA - European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing

At ERIBA, we study the mechanisms that result in loss of cells and decline of functioning of cells and tissues. This helps us to understand the causes of ageing, and develop strategies to prevent or combat age-related diseases.

Our studies are specifically focused on the molecular mechanisms that trigger the age-related decline in the function of non-dividing cells and the regulation of self-renewal and (epi-) genetic stability in cells from tissues with continuous turnover. Many studies have documented diminished control of gene expression and protein activity in old cells compared to young cells.

We do this research based on different multidisciplinary and technology-oriented approaches, including:

  • next generation sequencing and bioinformatics;
  • flow cytometry;
  • live cell imaging;
  • studies of suitable genetic model systems.

Our facilities

We host core facilities, ranging form facilities from fundamental research to certified clininal research environments. These facilities are at the disposal of UMCG researchers but can also be made available to our collaborators and partners.

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How our research benefits to society

With our focus on fundamental biological problems, it is likely acquired knowledge will repeatedly generate potentially commercially relevant intellectual property. The protection of such intellectual property is strongly encouraged and is facilitated by a pro-active patent office. The nearby presence of the newly developed Healthy Ageing Campus will further enable future commercial activities.

ERIBA scientists participate in programs aimed to disseminate knowledge on science related to the biology of ageing in the society at large. ERIBA researchers are expected to be contacted frequently by press media to comment on novel research findings. ERIBA scientists are also expected to advice politicians and policy-makers in general. Teaching programs for high school students and teachers will be implemented and sharing knowledge with the lay audience through a variety of activities is strongly encouraged. On the ground floor the ERIBA Science Hall hosts a permanent exposition exhibiting research activities of staff scientists


Please see the contact information on the About ERIBA page if you would like to call or visit us.