As part of the research institute Mechanisms of Healthy Aging and Disease (MoHAD), and the Research theme Development and Aging, the Senescence, Stem cells and Inflammation program aim to stimulate collaboration within the UMCG and to strengthen the research community focused on mechanisms of disease. Within our community state-of-the-art and novel technologies are used and we will enhance the exchange of relevant technological expertise. In particular our program performs fundamental, multi-disciplinary and translational research on topics related to Senescence, Stem cells, and Inflammation.

The Senescence, Stem cells and Inflammation program combines the following research areas:

  • Understanding the biology of stem cells from development to regeneration, using pluripotent and adult stem cell-derived advanced culture systems, including organoids and organ-on-a-chip cultures
  • Exploring the interaction of stem cells with their macro- and micro-environment in tissue homeostasis, after damage and disease
  • Dissecting the molecular phenotypes of senescent cells induced by different stimuli
  • Characterizing how senescent cells promote age-related pathologies, including cancer
  • Defining genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, and proteomic signatures of the healthy, ageing, and diseased brain
  • Unravelling fundamental factors contributing to brain ageing, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, with a focus on neuroinflammation
  • Defining targets for effective treatment, including the development of stem-cell based therapies, novel senolytic approaches, and therapeutic interventions against neuroinflammation

How our research benefits to society

Insight into the mechanisms driving aging and disease is critical to stimulate healthy aging and identify novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers.


University Medical Center Groningen
Research Institute MoHAD
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen
The Netherlands