

A cohort focused on rare cancers. Cohort
A cohort focused on rare cancers.
FORCE is a consortium comprising patients, clinicians, and researchers working collaboratively.

The primary goal of FORCE is to improve treatment outcomes for rare cancers by developing a data warehouse containing clinicopathological data, imaging data, and a large-scale biobank of samples from donors with rare cancers. This comprehensive repository enables high-quality research on rare cancers.

The FORCE cohorts will support research primarily focused on assessing the value and efficacy of USccfDNA assays in early detection, personalized treatment, and follow-up of rare cancers.

Secondary goals:

  • Identifying and validating novel markers for diagnosis, prognosis, follow-up, therapy stratification, and treatment evaluation.
  • Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the long-term biology of rare cancers.
  • Enhancing clinical decision-making.
  • Improving treatment outcomes.
  • Facilitating early detection of rare cancers.


Lotte de Hosson Project Manager

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Medical Oncology, DA11
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
University Medical Center Groningen
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen
The Netherlands

For more information, visit our website.