Education on data science, AI and eHealth

Take part in our (free) events led by experts, where we delve deeper into the fascinating field of data science and AI in healthcare. Facility
Take part in our (free) events led by experts, where we delve deeper into the fascinating field of data science and AI in healthcare.
At the Data Science Center in Health (DASH), we are dedicated to advancing healthcare through data science and AI education. Our diverse initiatives, from lectures to international conferences, provide comprehensive learning opportunities.

Whether you want to study Data Science or AI, or broaden your professional horizons, we offer several opportunities. From supporting initiatives such as the Data Wise minor at the University of Groningen to organizing summer schools and online courses, we are here to provide you with knowledge. 

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  • With healthcare rapidly embracing digital transformation, professionals must navigate a data-driven environment. We formed the Digital Healthcare Education Team, consisting of DASH experts and junior lecturers and colleagues of the Epidemiology Department, who developed the first Digital health education courses that are now offered to Bachelor students through the Junior Scientific Masterclass

  • AIProHealth is a large international consortium in which experts are jointly developing a customisable AI learning environment with various learning modules. As part of this, a massive open online course (MOOC), a serious game, and a summer school have already been developed. 

    The overall package offers an innovative blended learning experience that provides healthcare professionals with valuable information while taking into account the patient's perspective.

    The AIProHealth project includes various facets and learning modules, both on and offline. Check out all Learning modules

  • 'Your technology of tomorrow' is an educational programme for young people, initiated by the ELSA AI Lab Northern Netherlands and DASH-expert Mirjam Plantinga. The UMCG, as spokesperson for ELSA-NN, gives substance to the programme together with ScienceLinx and the Jantina Tammes School of the University of Groningen, the AI Hub Northern Netherlands, the municipality of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

    By offering the 'Your Technology of Tomorrow' educational programme in the science truck, young people can learn about AI in a playful and interactive way and complex technology is made understandable and accessible.

  • Our commitment to AI education is also evidenced by the success of the exquAIro bootcamp, to which DASH makes a valuable contribution. This bootcamp provides a small dedicated group of professionals from UMCG with an intensive and inspiring learning experience, allowing them to further develop in the exciting field of AI. 

  • Check out our YouTube channel for recordings of previous events, mini lectures or education videos.