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Practical Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Professionals
Practical Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Professionals
There is still a lot of resistance to AI. For some 'AI' is feared as a threat of taking over human interaction. AIProHealth brings together experts from all areas and sectors (public and private) of the healthcare and serious gaming communities to create a unique programme to put the hype of AI into perspective and allay fears about its use in healthcare practice.
AIProHealth is a large international consortium in which experts are jointly developing a customisable AI learning environment with various learning modules. As part of this, a massive open online course (MOOC), a serious game, and a summer school have already been developed. Starting in 2023, the summer school programme will be offered in multiple locations: in the Netherlands at the UMCG and in Estonia at the University of Tartu. Additional locations may be added in the future.
The overall package offers an innovative blended learning experience that provides healthcare professionals with valuable information while taking into account the patient's perspective.
Learning modules
The AIProHealth project includes various facets and learning modules, both on and offline.
You can find more information on the various components below.
The MOOC is a free course that has been launched on FutureLearn and provides a first insight into the many aspects of AI in healthcare. Throughout this course, you learn more about the technical background and the potential of AI in healthcare, while also discussing the limitations such as ethical and legal issues. The course helps to build your knowledge and confidence in key areas of AI in healthcare and prepares you for implementing it into your own workflow.
Do you want to explore how AI can be used to improve patient care and gain more insight into the implementation of AI in the health professions?
The serious game ‘AI Hospital’ facilitates learning and fosters discussion about the role of AI in clinical practice.
Players of the game are a group of consultants who must make choices about implementing AI during a particular patient’s journey through the healthcare system, highlighting specific phases such as pre-care and diagnosis, as AI could play a major role in this in the near future. Players are rewarded for considering the preferences of both the patient and the fictional healthcare professionals, as well as the ethical, legal and societal aspects. The game encourages discussion between players and helps them apply the theoretical knowledge they gained in the MOOC to a practical situation. This game has already been successfully played at international symposia, conferences and departmental sessions.
Want to know more about this board game? Feel free to contact Rik Wisselink-Bijker.
In addition to the online educational opportunities, a physical summer school programme is organised in Groningen and Tartu.
During a self-study programme, participants are introduced to the basic concepts of AI in healthcare. Participants also learn basic programming skills. This is followed by a face-2-face programme with lectures, workshops, teamwork and social activities. During the week, participants will also have the chance to play the serious game 'AI Hospital'. After the on-site programme, participants continue working in teams to create a minimum viable product. This product will then be presented in a pitch event.
The UMCG is collaborating on this online learning environment with various EIT Health associated partners and multiple companies.
This group of partners covers the entire knowledge triangle, with representatives from education, research and industry. This will assure the best expertise and knowledge in the development of the courses.
Other partners Several organisations throughout Europe have expressed an interest in collaborating on the AIProHealth project. This list of partners will therefore be expanded even further.
Peter van OoijenProfessor of AI in Radiotherapy, Machine Learning Lab Coordinator and expert Machine Learning at the Data Science Center in Health (DASH)