Our goal is to comprehend how aging impacts physical activity, mobility and task performance throughout life. We employ smart technologies and innovative interventions to assist people in maintaining health and independence for as long as possible. Our research highlights the crucial role of physical activity in disease prevention, cognitive health, and overall well-being throughout one's lifetime.

We examine movement, physical activity, and strategies in controlled laboratory and clinical settings as well as in real-life environments. Our work bridges various theoretical frameworks and methods—from computational neuro-biomechanical modeling, dynamical systems theory, and data science approaches to behavioral studies and observations of activities in everyday environments.

We aim to gain insights into motor, brain, and cognitive functions in physiological aging and neurodegenerative disorders. We also seek to understand the neuromechanical changes underlying adaptation, particularly in aging and age-related neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. We contribute to understanding the underlying factors of lifestyle-related diseases and physical inactivity, aiming to prevent them. Additionally, we explore ways to optimize the quality of our everyday movements, potentially leading to more healthy years.


How our research benefits to society

Topics of our research program:

  • Age-related diseases and conditions, which are often lifestyle-related, are increasingly prevalent in society. With our research, we aim to increase the understanding of factors underlying active and healthy aging in populations of different backgrounds. Limited evidence exists regarding strategies supporting maintenance and adoption of (physical) activity and health behaviors. We study the mechanisms, processes and value of such strategies, implemented in real-life settings, such as health care or community settings. These include (lifestyle) interventions and (wearable) technologies and AI based decision support systems which provide real-time feedback or encouragement about health.

    Example projects:

    • Healthy living as a service: Realizing a sustainable and healthy society by improving Lifestyle and Social and Living Environment (HLaS)
      Healthy Living as a Service is a transdisciplinary project that engages citizens as local experts through field labs and learning communities in Northern Netherlands. The project brings together expertise from various fields—human movement sciences, art, architecture and urbanism, behavioral sciences, product design, and artificial intelligence. It also partners with companies specializing in sports and lifestyle, architecture, and technology. The project's primary goal is to guide people towards healthier choices and sustainable lifestyle improvements by addressing both personal factors and environmental influences—including work, home, and surroundings. We use smart technology and surveys to monitor health and living conditions. This data informs the joint development of algorithms, creating an AI-based decision support system. This system offers personalized coaching, helping citizens improve their habits and maintain long-term motivation. Additionally, the project aims to inform people about the benefits and drawbacks of using technology and data as tools for lifestyle monitoring.

      Project leader: Claudine Lamoth (funded by NOW KIC- Lifestyle and Living Environment

      Healthy Living as a Service - Gezondheid, Welzijn en Technologie (Dutch)
    • EmpoweRIng Citizens to adopt Healthy lifestyle Habits: A data-enaBled communIty-based ciTizen Science approach (ENRICH-HABITS)
      Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity increase health risks. Individual interventions often fail to create sustainable changes. This project uses a holistic, social-ecological approach to empower communities to improve lifestyle habits. We combine epidemiological, spatial, and citizen science data to identify risk profiles and create innovative solutions. In addition to the Netherlands, Denmark and Latvia are partners, all focusing on high-risk groups, facilitating locally relevant knowledge and identifying widely applicable elements. Data science methods assist in aggregating and interpreting results. The project aims to understand influence pathways and formulate policy recommendations for various European settings.

      Project leader: Erja Portegijs, (Era4Health, EU-funded)
  • Physical activity, movement, behaviour and the living environment are closely intertwined. Adequate physical activity and the fostering of motor skills throughout life form an essential foundation for healthy aging. Everyday environments (i.e. play areas, workplaces, homes, green spaces, neighborhoods) play a crucial role in this process—they can either act as barriers or facilitators to being physically active. How do people adapt their actions to the environment across the timescales of performance, learning and aging? How do people perceive and act upon the possibilities for acting in their living environment? To answer these questions, we conduct field research in real-world settings, investigating -among other things-, the benefits of green exercise for elderly, which jumping stone configurations are most attractive, how the layout of a living environment affects the daily lives of citizens.

  • Our neuromechanical approach combines neurophysiology, including neural control of movement and physics, specifically biomechanics, to study adaptations during physiological aging and age-related disease. In addition, we use concepts and tools from dynamical systems theory to examine movement patterns (gait) and movement variability. From healthy aging to pathological conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis, sarcopenia), from upper limb movements to altered gait and physical activity. Our approaches help us understand changes in the neuromusculoskeletal system underlying altered movement patterns, strength, and performance. This new knowledge serves as evidence for novel treatments that improve people's quality of life or help manage pathological conditions. Supporting technology includes gaming, virtual reality, and wearable devices for monitoring, diagnosis, and intervention.

  • Our neuromechanical approach combines neurophysiology, including neural control of movement and physics, specifically biomechanics, to study adaptations during physiological aging and age-related disease. In addition, we use concepts and tools from dynamical systems theory to examine movement patterns (gait) and movement variability. From healthy aging to pathological conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis, sarcopenia), from upper limb movements to altered gait and physical activity. Our approaches help us understand changes in the neuromusculoskeletal system underlying altered movement patterns, strength, and performance. This new knowledge serves as evidence for novel treatments that improve people's quality of life or help manage pathological conditions. Supporting technology includes gaming, virtual reality, and wearable devices for monitoring, diagnosis, and intervention.

    Example projects:

    • Neuromechanics of elbow replacement
      Joint arthroplasty is an effective treatment to replace a joint affected by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis with a prosthetic implant. In this project we collaborate with the department of orthopedics to study the loads in an elbow joint implant. Through this knowledge we aim to improve the loading guidelines that surgeons give to the patients concerning the implant and to ultimately extend the life of the implant.
    • Gait adaptations over the life span
      Human walking is remarkably flexible and adaptive. We adjust to various environmental demands, responding to slips, navigating obstacles, and maneuvering through crowds, often automatically while multitasking. How does this adaptability and flexibility change with ageing or age-related pathology? And to which costs? Lab studies provide controlled insights into walking adaptability and flexibility, e.g. we use a split-belt treadmill to study neuro-sensory-motor control in people aged 18-85 years. This involves walking on two belts running at different speeds, offering insights into neuromotor adaptability. Our virtual reality lab allows us to manipulate visual context. By changing the visual environment, we gain insights into the information participants rely on and their reactions to perturbations. In addition, using wearable sensors, we collect cohort data on dynamic walking characteristics and physical activities 24/7 in daily life from different populations. We employ machine learning and explainable AI to predict outcomes, classify groups, and assess mobility decline, fall risk, and frailty based on these dynamic walking characteristics.
    • Virtual reality to help improve mobility or prosthesis use
      Virtual reality (VR) can help customize a game training environment based on a person’s motor capabilities. In this project we use fully immersive VR to help people with mobility impairments to improve their upper limb function through personalized training and those with an amputated limb to improve the control of their prosthesis.
  • Physiological ageing and neurodegenerative disorders impact the structure and function of the central nervous system. A good understanding of the role of the central nervous system and the impact of changes therein on motor and cognitive function is crucial. In the Healthy Ageing Research Group, we adopt various imaging techniques (fNIRS, EEG) to study brain activity, connectivity and the interactions between the brain and muscles in the context of motor control, learning, memory and other cognitive functions. For example, we study if and how changes in brain activity and connectivity mediate the effects of physical activity on executive function.

    • Parkinson Vibrating Sock
      In this project, we study how sensory systems can be exploited to manipulate brain plasticity in the context of Freezing of Gait. With mobile brain imaging, we examine whether vibrations of the foot sole during walking positively affect brain activity and brain-muscle connectivity to ameliorate walking performance. The acquired knowledge can support the design of interventions aimed at improving cognitive and motor function in physiological ageing and neurodegenerative disorders.

      Project Leader: Menno Veldman (InterReg - EU financed)

      Parkinson Vibrating Socks


Small profile photo of C.J.C Lamoth
Claudine Lamoth Professor of Movement Analysis & Smart technology in Aging

Department of Human Movement Sciences
Internal postcode FA23
PO Box 998
9700 AZ Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
building 3215, 3th floor