The UMCG team
Consists of experts on physical activity, nutrition, and person-environment interactions. The researchers have been setting-up or utilizing large-scale population-based data on health, function and behavior and studies on health and activity monitoring. They are familiar with epidemiological, geospatial, data science and participatory research methods. The study team comprises of consortium P.I. Prof. Dr. Erja Portegijs, postdoctoral researcher Dr. Andreia Abud da Silva Costa, and co-researchers Prof. Dr. Claudine Lamoth (department of Human Movement Sciences) and Dr. Eva Corpeleijn (department of Epidemiology).
The team at Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Consists of citizen science experts who have practiced advanced levels of participatory citizen science, including project development, generation of data, interpretation of data, and capacity building. The study team comprises of P.I. Prof. Dr. Johan de Jong, postdoctoral researcher Amy Jeschke, and co-researchers Dr. Berry van Holland, and Dr. Rhoda Schuling.
P.I. Prof. Dr. Johan de Jong
The University of Southern Denmark team
Consists of experts on physical activity, nutrition, and complex interventions. The researchers have been involved in setting up or utilizing large-scale population-based data on health, function, and behavior and studies on health and activity monitoring, and they have engaged in participatory co-creation methods. The study team comprises P.I. Prof. Dr. Paolo Caserotti, doctoral student Daniel L. Dam, co-researcher Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jan C. Brønd (Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics), and Dr. Nicole E. Blackburn (Faculty of Life & Health Sciences).
P.I. Prof. Dr. Paolo Caserotti
The team at Riga Stradins University
Consists of experts on physical activity, nutrition, health psychology, and person-environment interactions. The researchers have engaged in research utilizing population-based data and activity monitoring, and they executed studies utilizing cocreation methods. The study team comprises of consortium P.I. Dr. Signe Tomsone, postdoctoral researchers Dr. Darja Nesterovica and Dr. Inga Elksne, co-researcher Didzis Rozenbergs (Department of Rehabilitation) and doctoral student Aija Ozola (Department of Health Psychology and Pedagogy).
P.I. Dr. Signe Tomsone