DASH Webinar: Identifying diseases earlier using AI-based Imaging Biomarkers | 21 September

Lung cancer, coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common diseases. Together, these three are called the "Big 3". Due to the ageing population and other factors, the incidence of the Big 3 is increasing. Early detection with early treatment is crucial to reduce the burden of the Big 3 diseases. ​​​​​​​

The B3CARE project evaluates early stages of these three diseases using low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans. Measurement of imaging biomarkers on CT can help to identify individuals with early stages of the Big-3 diseases, before symptoms occur. However, this evaluation of imaging biomarkers is labour intensive. The B3CARE project therefore automates the evaluation of CT scans and builds a secure system for validation of AI-based tools.

In this new webinar on 21 September, you will learn more about B3CARE, imaging biomarkers and setting up automated CT scan evaluation.

Location: Online
When: 21 September, 2022
Time: 16.00 - 17.00 hours


16.00 – Introduction | Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, project leader of B3CARE
16.05 – The B3Care project: what we’ve done so far | Gert-Jan Pelgrim, Postdoctoral Researcher at UMCG Radiology department
16.20 - Building a fully automated pipeline for bronchial parameter evaluation | Ivan Dudurych, Radiology PhD Candidate at UMCG
16.35 – The use of AI and image processing in the construction of clinical decision support systems in respiratory diseases | Jose Lozano, data scientist at the department of Strategic Projects and Frontier Artificial Intelligence at Quibim
16.50 – Q&A

This webinar has already taken place. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel