Winners of the 2024 Precision Collaboration Grants (BBT-news)


Some phd's of our group belong to the winners of the 2024 Precision Collaboration Grants. Seen below a part of the Newsletter Precission 

Renata and Asmasadat congratulations!!


The speeddating events at the Precision Research Institute Day were followed up by submission of a number of research grant proposals.
Many congratulations to the following collectives, who all were awarded a grant of €4000 to work on their plans:

  • Renata Maia (Nanobiomed) and Darshak Bhatt (MHD) will be looking into microfluidics approaches to generate vesicle cancer therapies
  • Yanyan Fu (MHD), Dicky Pranoto MHD), Asmasadat Vaziri (Nanobiomed) and Nanthicha Inrueangsri (TRIGR) received the grant for their idea on microfluidic methods for vaccine development based on S. aureus
  • Aglaia Pozantzi (TRIGR) and Hylke Donker (DH/LCE) are collaborating on machine learning to forecast post-operative delirium in geriatric patients, and finally,
  • Elmar Diekstra (BRIDGE), Maria Marquez Garcia (MCB) and Nerea Delgado Mayenco (BRIDGE) propose to work on light-controlled radionuclide therapy.

We wish them lots of success with their proposed research plans. They will be officially awarded at our upcoming Precision meeting in October, and we are looking forward to hear about the outcomes of their projects at our next years Precision Institute Day.

For more information about the research institute PRECISION follow the link