Zhenyu Zhang

PhD student Profile
PhD student

tACS and mild cognitive impairment

The topic I’m working on is "Improving executive functioning (EF) of participants with mild cognitive impairment by using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS)''., we aim to develop a novel treatment for MCI to improve EF and thereby delay progression towards dementia. tACS is an effective treatment method. Preliminary evidence has been published implying that tACS at theta range is an effective for treatment of MCI patients and can improve aspects of EF in healthy individuals. However, if tACS at theta range could improve aspects of EF in MCI patients, the brain mechanism of the treatment remains unclear. Our study will investigate these issues. The current proposal will conduct four studies to explore these issues by combining tACS, EEG, fMRI, MRS techniques and cognitive tasks. Information on the neural effects of our study may ultimately also have practical implications for clinical use as more knowledge is needed regarding the importance of calibrating different stimulation parameters (e.g. subject-specific frequencies versus fixed frequencies).