Transgenic Mouse Clinic for Ageing Research

Transgenic Mouse Clinic for Ageing Research

Transgenic Mouse Unit for Ageing Research Facility
Transgenic Mouse Unit for Ageing Research
The mouse is one of the most powerful animal models to study the biological function of proteins in living organisms. It is an established animal model to increase our knowledge on the pathophysiology of human diseases and to develop or improve treatment of human diseases.

Since 2009 the UMCG/RUG transgenic mouse facility has generated various (conditional) knockout and transgenic mouse strains. We use state-of-the-art technologies (recombineering, CRISPR/Cas9, ES cell culture, zygote injection) to generate genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs).

In collaboration with the researcher we can generate a set of tissue (e.g. liver) specific knockout mice (including control mice) by somatic CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. Successful gene editing will be validated in close collaboration with the researcher.

The Facility is embedded within the Department of Paediatrics.


    • Construct design
    • Cloning targeting construct
    • ES cell culture
    • Genotyping and karyotyping
    • Blastocyst micro-injection

    End product: Chimeras transmitting the mutant allele

    • Construct and gRNA design
    • Cloning gRNA and production gRNA
    • Design and cloning repair templates
    • Zygote micro-injection
    • Genotyping F0 founders
    • Genotyping F1 generation

    End product: Sequence verified mutant mice

    • Construct and gRNA design
    • Cloning construct
    • Virus production (AV, AAV, Lentivirus)
    • Injection of delivery system in Cas9-expressing mice
    • Screening successful ablation of gene product (in collaboration with the client)

    End product: A set of tissue (e.g. liver) specific knockout model with a set of control mice
