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SALL - Stem cells, Ageing, Leukemia and Lymphoma

Understanding molecular mechanisms regulating hematopoietic stem cell functionality Programme
Understanding molecular mechanisms regulating hematopoietic stem cell functionality
Blood related cancer like leukemia and lymphoma, need improved treatment. While chemotherapy tackles rapidly dividing cancer cells, it does not sufficiently reach slow dividing cancer cells. To be able to develop treatment alternatives to chemotherapy we need to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate stem cell functionality, and makes sure these findings can be used in therapy.

In the SALL programme, we study fundamental, aging-related and clinical aspects of stem cells, leukemia and lymphoma. We incorporate various research disciplines with state-of-the-art technologies and multi-omics approaches. Our research includes basic, translational research and clinical trials.

Our three research domains:

  • Stem Cells - to identify how molecular mechanisms control stem cells that alter when diseases as leukemia and lymphoma develop.
  • Leukemia - to unravel molecular mechanisms related to leukemia development.
  • Lymphoma - to deepen our insights in the pathogenetic mechanisms of various B-cell lymphoma subtypes.

Improve treatment for patients with blood cancers

Although therapies for blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, in general, have improved over the years, some forms still display high mortality rates. With our research programme, we want to improve the current treatments of the different forms of leukemia and lymphoma by focusing on alternatives for chemotherapy.  

To achieve this goal, we use a combination of approaches:

  • We investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating leukemia, lymphoma and ageing.
  • We pursue a translational approach.
  • We study cells obtained from patients.
  • We use stem cell technology.
  • We collaborate with routine diagnostics labs and the pharmaceutical industry.


University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Institute CRCG
SALL - Stem cells, Ageing, Leukemia and Lymphoma
P.O. Box 196
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands