PPP Funding Programs

The program to empower and advance UMCG's public-private partnerships. Facility
The program to empower and advance UMCG's public-private partnerships.
The UMCG's Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) funding programs aim to encourage researchers and companies to collaborate in research and development projects.

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Health~Holland make available funding to the UMCG for the PPP Allowance scheme and the PPP Innovation subsidy scheme on an annual basis. Within the UMCG, the programs are coordinated by the UMCG Innovation Center. The funding options can be applied to support and extend the goals of a joint project by adding experiments, personnel and/or consumables that can strengthen the success of the project and contribute to establish a long-term partnership with the private partner(s). Both schemes are tailored to diverse types of initiatives and partnerships.

  • The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH), also known as Health~Holland, stimulates innovative research by (financially) supporting public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the LSH sector. With this Program Call, parties are encouraged to jointly set up Programs in which PPP projects are selected and implemented with the aim of developing sustainable innovative products and services within the LSH sector that contribute to the economic growth of the Netherlands. Within a Program, the organising parties are given the opportunity to select PPP projects for the relevant PPP subsidy that contribute to the goals of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health.  Information about the funding call: Funding Opportunities | Health~Holland

    Many Programs have been awarded and will provide new funding opportunities.  For the full list of programs awarded by Health~Holland, please see Programs | Health~Holland.

    Below, you will find more information on the PPS programs in which the UMCG is the main coordinator, or one of the program partners.

    FORESIGHT: A Public-Private Partnership for Drug Development

    DEMTECH - Innovative technologies for home living people with dementia.

    IMPACT: Innovative machine perfusion for advancing clinical transplantation

    ORANGEHealth- Shape the future of oral and general health

  • The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, through the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH), and Health~Holland, is introducing a new subsidy framework titled “Public-Private Partnership Innovation Subsidy” which be formally launched from 2025, with a Pilot call in 2024.

    The UMCG Innovation Center has received the mandate to manage the Pilot Call 2024 to support collaborations with private partners, with focus for projects with Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The Pilot Call 2024 aims to encourage industrial research, focusing on collaborations between the UMCG researchers and Dutch Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with high level of societal, scientific, and economic impact on the region of Northern Netherlands. A budget of 1.7M EUR is available to the UMCG for this 2024 Call.

    The scheme is structured as a deadline-based Call, with two application phases as follows:

    • The pre-application (deadline: 01/08/2024)
      The Call opens on April 2, 2024. Potential applicants are invited to reach out to [email protected] for a first intake and the detailed introduction of the Call. If the project idea fits, the applicant should fill out a pre-application form and a preliminary budget. The complete pre-application can be submitted at any time before 1/08/2024.
    • The full application (deadline: 15/11/2024)
      The positively assessed pre-applications are invited to submit a full application and the additional forms required by 15/11/2024.

    Detailed information on the Call and the application process:

    Call description

    The UMCG Innovation Center organizes two open information sessions for interested UMCG researchers: 14 May between 12:00-13:00 and 28 May between 16:00-17:00. Please fill out form with the required information, in order to sign up for one of the sessions. Please note that the sessions can be joined in person or online. The location and the hybrid link will be shared prior to the event.

    UMCG PPP Innovation Subsidy open information sessions

    For more information on the application procedures and requirements, please contact [email protected]


    Watch video Scan QR-code
  • The PPP Allowance is allocated to the UMCG by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Health~Holland on an annual basis. The allowance can be applied to extend the goals of a joint - fundamental, industrial or experimental - project in collaboration with large companies, national or international.

    Project eligibility

    • The main applicant must be a UMCG researcher.
    • The research aligns with UMCG's overarching theme of Healthy Ageing and fits the strategies of UMCG’s institutes and research programs.
    • The project covers fundamental research, industrial research, or experimental development, where pre-clinical and clinical research phases I and II are included.
    • The project has a maximum duration of 4 years.
    • Applications are evaluated on monthly basis. If The application is eligible, PPP allowance is reserved for the project for 6 months. During this time, the collaboration agreement has to be fully approved by UMCG’s Loket Contract Research and signed by all consortium partners.

    Consortium and collaboration

    • The consortium must include at least one private partner, such as large companies, or foundations.
    • All partners should benefit from collaboration, which should be clearly stated in the contract and in the application.
    • All consortium partners must contribute substantially in-kind and with a private cash contribution of at least €10,000 per year. The investment is such that the project can run on its own or there is a limited budget gap to fill.
    • The amount of PPP Allowance requested has to be justified and should be equal or less to the cash contribution invested by the company partner (ratio 1:1).
    • Company partners will not invoice the UMCG for any project-related costs.
    • Sharing ownership of the results and agreements on IP rights must be in place or under discussion, with details included in the application.

    Detailed information on the Call and the application process:

    The old PPP allowance program has been terminated, due to the fact that the funding allocated by Health-Holland to the UMCG has been awarded and completed towards numerous projects throughout the years. At the moment, considering the absence of available funding, we are no longer receiving project applications. Please note that the Innovation Center and the PPP allowance team are working on identifying and developing new funding opportunities, provided by Health Holland on supporting public-private partnerships. More information on the availability of funding will be communicated within the coming months.

    Call description

    Contact [email protected] to receive information on the program, have an intake meeting to discuss your idea and receive the application documents.