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Medical Physiology Lab

The Medical Physiology Lab is used to teach the basic concepts of physiology to 700-1000 students per year of medicine, human movement sciences, dentistry, pharmacy, biomedical sciences and the University College Groningen.

Via experiential learning, these students master the concepts in respiratory physiology, cardiovascular physiology, exercise physiology and neurophysiology. The students experience the tests themselves and they perform those tests on fellow students, and learn to interpret the results. For medical students, this is also their first experience in physical examination and additional measurements, such as electrocardiography, blood pressure measurements, and lung function tests.


It is possible to use our services for exercise testing, including equipment and the skilled supervision of an (exercise) physiologist, or to learn various concepts in physiology in a practical way. Please contact the team lead for more information.

The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art set-ups for exercise physiology, clinical set-ups for lung function tests and (continuous) blood pressure measurements, and insightful setups for recording electrocardiograms. The lab is run by academic physiologists who are trained to teach at various levels, from basic physiology to high levels of specialization.


Hiske van Duinen Educator in Physiology and Head of the Medical Physiology Lab

Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells and Systems
University Medical Center Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan, 1
Section Anatomy and Medical Physiology
Internal Zipcode FB42
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands