Hiske van Duinen

Educator in Physiology and Head of the Medical Physiology Lab Profile
Educator in Physiology and Head of the Medical Physiology Lab

Hiske van Duinen returned as a lecturer in physiology in 2014. She teaches physiology to students in different faculties, namely at the Medical curriculum (G2020; both Bachelor and Master), Dentistry, Human Movement Sciences, the University College Groningen (UCG), Pharmacology, Biology and Life Sciences & Technology, and Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (Master and PhD students).

Examples of topics that she teaches are neurophysiology, vegetative physiology, exercise physiology, cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, metabolism & endocrine physiology, and renal physiology.

Furthermore, she is Course Director in G2020 in semesters 1.2 and 2.1; she coordinates two courses for Human Movement Sciences (General Physiology and Exercise Physiology), one course for the Faculty of Science and Engineering (Medical Physiology), and one for the University College Groningen (Human Physiology). She also is a member in the Opleidingscommissie Geneeskunde.
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