MAECON’s founder Job van Boven has won the KNMP Healthcare Innovation Prize!

The KNMP prize was awarded to an innovation that helps patients to keep their asthma under control and has a unique non-invasive approach to 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring' by analysing exhaled breath.
KNMP Healthcare Innovation Prize

On March 11, during the Dutch Spring congress of the Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Association (KNMP), the KNMP Healthcare Innovation Prize was assigned to the project “Point-of-care FeNO measurement in the pharmacy”, submitted by the Medication Adherence Expertise Center Of the northern Netherlands (MAECON)’s founder Job van Boven from the UMCG together with Gerda Compagne (asthma/COPD pharmacist, Hardenberg Pharmacy and Avereest/Balkburg Pharmacy) and Piet Ooms (asthma/COPD pharmacist, De Katwijkse Apotheek). This Prize is annually awarded for advances in pharmaceutical care.

The awarded project

This collaborative project used an innovative device that measured fractional nitric oxide (FeNO) in exhaled breath of patients with asthma. FeNO is a marker for inflammation of the airway epithelium, but also biomarker for response to inhaled corticosteroids. Using the periodical FeNO measurements in patients with high use of short-acting beta agonists and/or oral steroids (indication for uncontrolled asthma), pharmacists could use non-invasive “therapeutic drug monitoring” followed by interventions focusing on inhaled corticosteroid dose optimization, inhaler technique education and enhancement of medication adherence, performed in close collaboration with GPs, nurses and pulmonologists. After 6 months, most patients had a reduced FeNO, but also significantly better asthma control. Some could even play sports again!

This unique form of primary care, non-invasive 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring' was not only recognized by KNMP and its members, but also at several international conferences. Furthermore, it is already reimbursed by some health insurers. 
An informative explanatory video is also available at this link:

“Point-of-care FeNO meting in de apotheek” wint KNMP Zorginnovatieprijs 2025

The award

The KNMP Healthcare Innovation Award has been awarded since 2011, and is an incentive for innovative pharmacists to share their idea and take it further. For this year's prize of EUR 10.000, the jury selected three nominees from 7 entries. The nominees explained their submission to the KNMP members. Members could vote for the winner of the prize until mid-February 2025. More information are available at

The expertise of MAECON

As an Expertise Center, MAECON performs a variety of medication adherence related projects. Its stakeholders include MedTech, pharmaceutical industry, healthcare professionals and patients (organizations) that are looking to perform clinical efficacy trials and laboratory testing as well as educational courses and consultancy on medication adherence. More information is available at: MAECON – Making the most of medicines and at the UMCG research page MAECON.

The role of the UMCG Innovation Center

The Innovation Center contributed to the establishment of MAECON by facilitating connections with companies, enhancing visibility, and positioning it globally. They provided guidance on setting appropriate margins, obtaining patents, and drafting the business case. Additionally, they assisted in brainstorming strategies to showcase the Expertise Center, emphasizing the importance of visibility and unique selling points in a competitive global market. Overall, the Innovation Center offered and still continues to provide practical support. 

Congratulations to the winning team!