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Lung disease and tuberculosis

Our scientific research focuses on asthma and COPD, lung cancer and lung transplantation.

How our research benefits to society

  • Research on asthma and COPD; serveral research groups combine research in our Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (GRIAC);
  • Lung transplant research; the balance between rejection, inhibited by drugs after a transplant, and the defense that remains necessary to keep infections under control;
  • Lung cancer research; early detection of lung cancer and metastatic tumors and improved treatment.
  • We set up a programme to conduct research: the Groningen Research Institute of Asthma and COPD (GRIAC). Research groups are represented in GRIAC include Allergology, Epidemiology, General Practice, Pediatric lung diseases, Pulmonary diseases and Pathology.

  • We need to find the balance between rejection, inhibited by drugs after a transplant, and the defense that remains necessary to keep infections under control. Our research has led to new insights into treatment after a lung transplant. Survival after a lung transplant has been significantly improved as a result. Currently, the 50 percent survival rate (when half of the patients are still alive after a transplant) has increased to nearly 8.5 years.

  • Cancer that develops at any primary site can form metastatic tumors. Cancer cells can spread from the primary tumor to surrounding tissues and to distant organs and is the primary cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. We found metastases can be better detected with a combination of a PET and CT scan, followed by ultrasound-guided punctures of the tumor and metastases.

    Thus innovative research provides better treatment of lung cancer through advanced surgery, a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the latest drugs consisting of both chemotherapy and new biological agents.

  • Earlier detection of lung cancer in smokers with a CT scan, The NELSON dataset.


University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Lung disease and tuberculosis
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Lung disease and tuberculosis
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen