Help implement your healthcare innovation
Do you want your healthcare innovation adopted into the routine clinical setting of the UMCG? This implementation process includes going through many steps and including many different parties within the UMCG. The Innovation center can guide you through this process, by (…)
During this process of implementation of a healthcare innovation, the Innovation Center supports the implementation of healthcare innovations by assisting you with your project plans, identifying bottlenecks, guiding initiatives through key phases and procedures, enabling internal collaborations, and connecting you with relevant parties and communities within UMCG.
Telemonitoring solutions
Telemonitoring is a rapidly moving field, consisting of many different new tools and applications to enable remote patient monitoring and care. We can help you identify the right steps to take towards the development and/or implementation of your telemonitoring tool.
When assessing a telemonitoring tool, we consider the problem it addresses, its intended users, and its specificities. We also take into consideration how and where it will be implemented, the Departments and/or external parties involved, and its compatibility with the UMCG’s organisational and technical framework.