Research building

Citrien 3 project: User-friendly inclusive digital health solutions

Making digital healthcare inclusive for all, the 'Digitaal mee in de zorg' project tackles health disparities by collaboratively designing user-friendly digital tools.

Digitaal mee in de zorg" project aims to reduce health disparities arising from the use of digital healthcare by making digital health applications more inclusive. The primary goal is to ensure that everyone, including individuals facing financial challenges, cognitive impairments, migration backgrounds, or advanced age, can effectively use digital healthcare tools. The project employs a co-creation approach, collaborating with citizens, developers, and healthcare professionals to redesign digital applications. This process not only addresses technical aspects but also focuses on processes and implementation. All Dutch university medical centers (UMCs) are involved, each engaging their regional communities. The project is supported by The Dutch Ministry of Health via ZonMW and by organizations such as Pharos, Nivel, and the Patiƫntenfederatie Nederland.

Citrien 3 project


How our research benefits to society

The objectives of the Citrienfonds 3 program are to promote accessible healthcare by addressing challenges like health disparities and digital transformation.

The project addresses the diverse needs of underserved groups who may face challenges in using digital healthcare to ensure that solutions are user-friendly for all.

By involving diverse communities and stakeholders, the project ensures that digital health tools are designed with real-world challenges in mind, making them more adaptable and effective in improving healthcare outcomes.