transplantlines optimizing organ transplant research

TransplantLines: Organ transplant research

Optimizing patient outcomes with organ transplant research. Cohort
Optimizing patient outcomes with organ transplant research.
Transplantlines is a comprehensive, longitudinal cohort study focused on the outcomes of organ transplantation. By conducting extensive organ transplant research including kidney transplant research and liver transplant research, Transplantlines aims to enhance the health, quality of life, and long-term outcomes for transplant patients. This initiative is crucial for researchers seeking to understand the various factors influencing the success of organ transplants.

Objectives of Transplantlines

Transplantlines was established with several key objectives: 

  • Improving health outcomes: By studying a wide range of factors, Transplantlines aims to improve the overall health and quality of life for transplant recipients. 
  • Patient-peported outcomes: The study emphasizes the collection of patient-reported outcome measures, including quality of life, physical and cognitive functioning, and other health-related aspects. 
  • Comprehensive data collection: The biobank collects diverse biomaterials and detailed in its organ transplant research to support a wide array of research studies. 
  • Transplantlines began patient inclusion in 2015, and this process is ongoing. As of February 2021, the study has included: 

    • Over 1,250 kidney transplant recipients 
    • 500 liver transplant recipients  
    • 300 lung transplant recipients 
    • 100 heart transplant recipients 
    • 10 small bowel transplant recipients 


  • In addition to transplant recipients, Transplantlines has included more than 800 actual and potential living kidney donors and recently started including living liver donors. These participants undergo assessments during the screening process, at the time of donation, and at intervals of 3 months, 5 years, and 10 years post-donation. 

  • Transplantlines employs a robust study design to gather detailed data for its organ transplant research: 

    Single visit for long-term recipients: Approximately 50-80% of patients included had undergone transplantation at least one year prior and are invited for a single study visit. 

    Multiple visits for recent recipients: Around 20-50% of patients are included before or shortly after transplantation. This group participates in multiple visits at predefined intervals: before transplantation, and at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years post-transplantation. 


  • Please visit the UMCG Research Data Catalogue for more detailed information on our data and samples. 

    Transplantlines collects a wide array of data and biomaterials to support diverse research needs. Participants complete questionnaires on socio-economic status, quality of life, physical activity, immunosuppressive therapy side effects, and diet. During study visits, the following samples are collected: 

    • Whole blood, serum, EDTA plasma, citrate plasma, heparin plasma 
    • 24-hour urine collections 
    • Hair, nails, and stool samples 

    Participants also undergo physical and neurocognitive tests to assess functioning and the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs, such as polyneuropathy and tremors. Additional samples, including serum, plasma, tissue samples (e.g., skin, adipose tissue, ureter, arteries, veins), and explanted organs, are collected during biopsies and suspected rejection episodes. 

  • Inclusion in Transplantlines is ongoing, meaning that patient numbers and available organ transplant data will continue to grow. If you are interested in accessing the organ transplant research from Transplantlines, you are encouraged to contact the study team. Data and biomaterials are available upon request, subject to approval by the Transplantlines Research Committee. 

  • For more information about participation and accessing data, visit the Transplantlines webpage (in Dutch): Transplantlines: medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoekTransplantlines medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek.


How Transplantlines benefits to society

Transplantlines plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of organ transplantation. Transplantlines helps researchers identify factors that improve transplant success rates and patient outcomes. This, in turn, contributes to better healthcare practices and enhanced quality of life for transplant recipients. 

By leveraging extensive organ transplant research, Transplantlines supports groundbreaking research that has the potential to significantly improve the lives of transplant recipients worldwide. 


Stephan Bakker
Stephan Bakker Professor of Internal Medicine

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen