Smart Prevention, Rehabilitation & INtervention Technologies for a future perspective on preventive health care Network
Smart Prevention, Rehabilitation & INtervention Technologies for a future perspective on preventive health care
We are a Center of Research Excellence, founded by ZonMW under the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) to contribute to a sustainable health care in terms of costs and manpower.

We enhance healthy ageing by designing and testing:

  • Monitoring systems to identify citizens and patients @risk for health decline
  • ICT-systems for big data analysis and advice on the most suitable intervention
  • Supporting and training devices/programs and feedback
  • Motivating systems to persuade citizens and patients to take control over their health

This will create improved mobility and independent living and contribute to a sustainable health care with prevention as one of the core businesses.

We collaborate with regional partners

Our SPRINT-consortium contains researchers from UMCG, RuG (FSE, FEB, GMW), University of Twente, the Hanze, Saxion and Leeuwarden Universities of Applied Science, Roessingh Research and Development. We work together with more than 80 companies, most of them SMEs, including two health insurance companies.

The UMCG plays an important role. Several researchers and designers participate, clinical tests are performed and prototypes are tested on employees in a living-lab environment. Several spin-off companies were founded, based on UMCG-research: Ivy Medical, CMC, Geriamove. 

Projects that are currently running


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We aim for sustainable healthcare

We focus on prevention of health decline, create healthy ageing with an independent living and improving health-related Quality of Life. Ideally citizens take responsibility on their health by adopting a healthy lifestyle. However, citizens are not aware if their health status is deteriorating and on how to improve their lifestyle.

We will create a personalized health self-management system that informs citizens about their health condition and allows them to effectively improve their lifestyle. Wearable sensors unobtrusively determine the health condition of the user. With Artificial Intelligence advice can be given on how to improve one’s lifestyle.

We develop preventive technology

If supportive technology is required, SPRINT will create it as well. It ranges from insores that prevent pressure sores to a serious ice-skating game that improves your balance. Social psychology expertise allows us to motivate citizens and patients to join.

Preventive technology will contribute in creating a sustainable healthcare for healthy and vulnerable citizens, for employees, for chronic and for recovering patients.


Small profile picture of B. Verkerke
Bart Verkerke Professor in Medical Product Design