SoDA - Stimulation of Daily Activity study: physical activity after cancer

SoDA - Stimulation of Daily Activity study: physical activity after cancer

Only one in three cancer survivors achieves the recommended levels of physical activity after treatment. This is unfortunate, since physical activity can help to alleviate frequently-encountered symptoms after cancer, such as fatigue, depression and anxiety. The SoDA study investigates how to integrate PA care in primary care to change this.

Cancer survivors often face barriers to physical activity, such as fatigue, lack of motivation, or little access to programs. The SoDA study evaluates whether a practical, accessible intervention-focused on daily activities like walking, cycling, or gardening-delivered in primary care close to patients’ home, can improve outcomes. We aim to implement and evaluate a home-based PA counselling programme in general practice for cancer survivors and to identify the barriers and facilitators related to the implementation.


How our research benefits to society

Cancer survivors often struggle to meet physical activity recommendations, impacting their long-term health and quality of life. By investigating whether a primary care-based physical activity counselling programme can address these challenges, the SoDA study aims to improve both patient outcomes and accessibility to effective interventions. With primary care being highly accessible and covered by insurance, this approach has the potential for broad implementation, offering a sustainable model for long-term survivorship care.

The findings of this study can lead to actionable insights on how to integrate practical physical activity interventions into routine primary care.

  • We aim to evalaute the implementation of a home-based physical activity counselling programme for cancer survivors in primary care, both on patient and organisational level. The study will evaluate changes of the program on both psychological and physical patient outcomes (patient level), and identify key barriers and facilitators to implementation (organisational level), providing essential evidence on how to integrate these interventions into routine care.

  • The department of Primary and Long-term Care of the UMCG is the academic lead in the SoDA project, working closely together with the departments of Human Movement Sciences and Medical Oncology. The SoDA project is performed in 15 general practices in the north of the Netherlands.

    Throughout the project, patient partners were involved in all phases of the research. These patient partners from the Borstkankervereniging Nederland attended project group meetings, reviewed protocols and patient materials, and were involved in qualitative analysis of patient interviews.

    The project is funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding).

  • By identifying barriers and facilitators to implementing physical activity counseling in primary care, our findings will help shape more effective models of care for cancer survivors. If successful, the intervention could be incorporated into regular practice, helping GPs offer accessible, evidence-based support to survivors, ultimately improving their health outcomes and quality of life.


  1. Data


    All data collected!

  2. Famke Huizinga Presents plenary at Ca-PRI 2024


    At the Ca-PRI 2024 conference in Melbourne, Famke Huizinga was awarded a high-scoring abstract and presented the first results of the SoDA study in a plenary session.

    Ca-PRI 2024

  3. Podcast


    In the podcast below, organized by the PC4 - Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group, Famke talks about the results of SoDA which she will present at the Ca-PRI conference next month.

    Ca-PRI Episode 3 - with Famke Huizinga

  4. Patient enrollment


    Patient enrollment has been stopped. 149 patients are participating in the exercise program, and an additional 108 non-participants completed a questionnaire.

  5. SoDA in the news

  6. Enrollment


    Enrollment in the first general practice has begun!


F. Huizinga
Famke Huizinga PhD candidate

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
Internal postcode FA21
P.O. Box 196
9700 AD Groningen

Visiting address
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
Oostersingel | entrance 47 | building 50 | 2nd floor
The Netherlands