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Section Primary Care

Improving primary care by bringing research and practice together. Section
Improving primary care by bringing research and practice together.

With our research, we aim to generate knowledge for future-proof, person-centred and appropriate primary care. We collaborate regionally and (inter)nationally to implement and evaluate care innovations, in which we pay special attention to the organization of care and health care technology. We bridge the gap between science and practice through cooperation within our regional academic general practice network (Academisch Huisarts Ontwikkel Netwerk (AHON)).


How our research benefits to society

The demand for care is increasing while the availability of healthcare personnel is decreasing. In addition, major socio-economic health differences and population decline play a role in our region. This jeopardizes the continuity of care. Continuity of care in primary care and long-term care is related to better health outcomes. Generalist care is invaluable for providing appropriate and person-centred care.

Against this background, we realise our mission by generating essential knowledge for future-proof, person-centred and appropriate primary and long-term care. We collaborate regionally and (inter)nationally to implement and evaluate care innovations, in which we pay special attention to the organization of care and health care technology.


University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
Internal postcode FA21
P.O. Box 196
9700 AD Groningen

Visiting address
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
Oostersingel | entrance 47 | building 50 | 2nd floor
The Netherlands