Podcast Series Episode 2 - A Beautiful Conversation: Janneke Bosma and Nikki Dreijer

In this second episode of the podcast series of the MSCNN you can listen to Janneke Bosma and Nikki Dreijer.

Put two (almost) peers at the table together: one with MS and the other an MS researcher. What follows is a nice conversation about multiple sclerosis. This podcast is an initiative of MS Center North Netherlands, and is in Dutch.

Janneke was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 17. She consciously chose to do MS-related PhD research after her studies.

Nikki has been involved in MS research for 2 years now and her topic is fatigue and MS.

What do these two twenty-somethings have in common and how are they different?

You can find more by listening to this podcast episode.