NWO-Vidi grant for neuroscientist Marie-José van Tol

Neuroscientist Marie-José van Tol is awarded a Vidi grant worth 800.000 euros by the Dutch Research Council. The grant enables her to develop her own innovative line of research and set up their own research group in the coming five years.

More information about het reseach program:  

Take it personally: A cognitive neuroscience approach to getting a grip on depression 

Complete recovery in daily life functions is difficult to obtain after a depression. Staying focused and getting things done remains challenging for long, which puts an individual at risk for relapse. This project aims to elucidate how the brain can enter a focused mode more easily and investigates how setting important personal goals can help achieve that. This could help to recover fully and to prevent relapse. 

Vidi is aimed at experienced researchers who have carried out successful research for a number of years after obtaining their PhDs. Together with Veni and Vici, Vidi is part of the NWO Talent Programme. Researchers in the Talent Programme are free to submit their own subject for funding. NWO thus encourages curiosity-driven and innovative research. NWO selects researchers based on the quality of the researcher, the innovative character of the research, the expected scientific impact of the research proposal and the possibilities for knowledge use.