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Collecting and sharing longitudinal data and samples to benefit research on healthy ageing Network
Collecting and sharing longitudinal data and samples to benefit research on healthy ageing
With our data and samples we aim to facilitate researchers and policymakers in the Netherlands and worldwide to do high-impact research on healthy ageing.

Over 500 scientific publications in a wide variety of fields have been realised with the use of data and samples from the Lifelines cohort, a project that originated at the UMCG and is still closely linked to it.. Our collection contributes to new knowledge on the role of genetics, lifestyle, life events and environment in healthy ageing and to improvements in disease prevention and health care. More recently, Lifelines data provided policymakers insight in the impact of the covid-pandemic on mental health.

Involved UMCG researchers


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What we do..

Facilitate high-impact research by collecting data and biomaterials from our population cohort since 2006. Every 1.5 years participants complete a comprehensive questionnaire and once every 5 years participants visit a Lifelines location where biological samples are collected and several physical and cognitive tests are conducted.

…to help the network of researchers and policymakers

Our collection derives it’s worth through the work of our research partners who analyse the data, discover new knowledge and implement it in data driven policies aimed to benefit people and our society as a whole.

Collaborations and publications

Since the start of Lifelines over 500 publications have been published with use of Lifelines-data. For these publications we work together with scientific institutes and organisations all over the Netherlands, Europe and beyond.
​​​​​​Within UMCG we collaborate with many departments, such as epidemiology, genetics, psychiatry, cardiology, internal medicine, laboratory medicine, health sciences, radiology, obstetrics & gynaecology, paediatrics.

​​Open protocol

Because we are an open protocol cohort study we offer researchers the opportunity to collect additional data and/or biological samples within the existing infrastructure.