Oldenburg - Groningen: Joint Graduate Research Training Group (JGRTG)

Translational Research: From Pathological Mechanisms to Therapy Network
Translational Research: From Pathological Mechanisms to Therapy
We bring together researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen and University of Oldenburg to collaborate on translational research with the main goal of improving patient health and quality of life. Simultaneously we provide a binational PhD programme.

We combine basic research, clinical research and population-based research to unravel pathological mechanisms and translate these to better treatment options. The Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS) of the University of Groningen, the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Graduate School of Science, Medicine and Technology (OLTECH) of the University of Oldenburg collaborate closely and unite their strengths in order to achieve this. All have their own research experiences and facilities, making this cross-border collaboration of great value.

Current projects are in the fields of psychiatry, oncology, immunology or genetics. For further information about projects and admission, we would like to refer you to the website of the University of Oldenburg.


How our network benefits to society

We train the next generation of researchers

Improving the health of patients through translational research is not our only goal. We also bring together researchers from both sides of the Northern Dutch-German cross-border region and train the next generation of researchers together through a PhD traject.

Training and supervision for PhD students

Our PhD programme within the Joint Graduate Research Training Group (JGRTG) is binational, interdepartmental and interdisciplinary. Each PhD student receives supervision from a team of different researchers with the goal to receive a joint doctorate degree from both Groningen and Oldenburg. Besides that, we provide a broad training for our PhD students with courses in molecular biology, statistics, epidemiology, neuroscience, academic writing and others.