Huntington’s Disease & research Dutch NWA CureQ consortium

On Wednesday 27 March, together with Omroep MAX, MAX NOP1 Tonight program drew attention to the consequences of a brain disorder in the live TV programme ”Geef om je hersenen”.

Within the CureQ consortium, Prof. Harrie Kampinga coordinates WP4 aimed at the discovery of novel modulators for disease onset and progression and collaborates with Dr. Mark Hipp, both run a project on early reporters of the collapse of the protein homeostasis in cells as a biomarker for disease onset.

CureQ project is funded by NWO/NWA in 2022, and is being coordinated by Prof. Eric Reits from the Amsterdam UMC. Within CureQ, researchers from academia and biotech, neurologists, lecturers and patient foundations aim to answer questions over ten inherited neurodegenerative disorders that are caused by a similar DNA mutation, including Huntington’s Disease, with a personalized treatment as the ultimate goal.

There are more than four million people in the Netherlands who have a brain disorder. This has a huge impact on the patient and his or her environment. Presenters Sybrand Niessen and Martine van Os talk to people with a brain disorder, their loved ones and top researchers who are doing everything they can to better treat brain disorders and cure them in the future.

The coordinator of the CureQ project, Prof. Eric Reits from the Amsterdam UMC appears in the programme and talks about the research and brain disorders. “Geef om je hersenen” (Care for your brain) can be seen on Wednesday 27 March at 8.30 pm at MAX on NPO 1.

March 27: Care for Your Brain on the Consequences of Brain Disorders (Dutch)