Overview Groningen

FAIR data

Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability
Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability
The UMCG supports the FAIR data principles: findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. It has a FAIR data and data stewardship policy, and regarding data use is ISO-9001 certified.

The UMCG Digital Competence Center (DCC) supports and advises UMCG research staff on FAIR research data management, develops e-learnings, gives workshops about research data management, and collaborates with other research support departments to develop policies regarding research data. The UMCG DCC works together with UMCG departments towards FAIRification and has developed a training program for those wishing to become embedded data stewards.

More information about DCC and trainings



Support in FAIR data

We support researchers and research staff in research data management. By providing support, workshops and trainings.

  • In accordance with the UMCG Research Code, a DMP is drawn up for each new research project and approved by the principal investigator. The official UMCG DMP template has been approved by the NWO and ZonMw, ensuring that UMCG research projects adhere to the research data management requirements of these funding agencies. A Research Data Management Awareness e-learning module is available to all UMCG researchers and staff, and is mandatory for GSMS PhD candidates. Additionally, it is mandatory for all researchers working with human subject data to complete a Privacy in Research (GDPR/AVG) e-learning module provided by the Privacy Working Organisation (PWO).

  • The UMCG Research Data Catalogue facilitates researchers in making their datasets FAIR, by providing an overview of UMCG datasets with metadata descriptions (for internal and external use). The UMCG also has a Research Register, an overview of all scientific research with humans being conducted in the UMCG, including privacy-related information (internal use).

    The UMCG is also working towards FAIRification of cohorts and biobanks

    The Cohort and Biobank Coordination Hub (CBCH) serves as a central facilitator of and a link between all UMCG cohort and biobank activities. Besides, the hub ensures the FAIRification of the cohorts and biobanks, and connects researchers to the right samples, data, people and knowledge, and supports them when they have issues regarding policy, privacy or FAIRification.

    Visit for more information on FAIR data and data management support