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Drosophila melanogaster

Laboratory for biomedical and fundamental research in fruit flies Facility
Laboratory for biomedical and fundamental research in fruit flies
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) is one of the most well studied animals to answer biological research questions in various fields, including ecology, evolution, behaviour, genetics, biomedical research, development and more.

The Drosophila facility at the UMCG is using a wealth of advanced genetic tools to design fly models to understand biological processes underlying age-related diseases. These models are used to investigate novel treatments for human diseases.

In collaboration with interested parties (researchers, educational organisations) we can design, and assist in generating and providing the requested Drosophila models.

We provide the following services:

  • Assist in the design of a suitable Drosophila model for research questions
  • Infrastructure for interested parties to generate the Drosophila model
  • Deliver fruit flies for small scale (genetic) teaching courses


Small profile photo of O. Sibon
Ody Sibon Group leader, Professor, Principal Investigator