How to support the UMCG research

Give your support for the future of health.
Give your support for the future of health.
Paving the way for the future of health requires continuous funding. Your donation can make a difference in developing innovative diagnostic tools or new treatment options. Find out more about how to give your support.

Excellent options are available to fund and otherwise support research conducted at the UMCG. These options are available to all patients, relatives, other people who are interested, and representatives of companies or other organizations.

UMCG funds

  • The UMCG Support Fund Foundation (in Dutch: Stichting Steunfonds UMCG), a general fund for research, education, and patient care;
  • The UMCG Transplantation Fund (In Dutch: UMCG Transplantatiefonds), a research fund for purchasing devices for laboratory research, small-scale projects, et cetera;
  • The UMCG Alzheimer’s Fund (in Dutch: UMCG Alzheimerfonds), a fund that facilitates studies that could not be performed otherwise;
  • The UMCG Cancer Research Fund (in Dutch: UMCG Kanker Researchfonds), a research fund to prevent cancer and improve cancer survival and quality of life after cancer;
  • The Friends of the Beatrix Children’s Hospital UMCG Foundation (in Dutch: Stichting Vrienden Beatrix Kinderziekenhuis UMCG), a general fund for paediatric research and projects aimed at improving the paediatric patients’ quality of life during their stay at the Beatrix Children's Hospital (e.g. by providing musical and theatrical performances).

For more information, please find our contact details below.


Barbara Baijens-Vrij
Barbara Baijens-Vrij Fundraiser UMCG Beatrix Children's Hospital