General practitioners often struggle with the diagnostic uncertainty of distinguishing functional gastrointestinal disorders from organic disorders in children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.

It is essential to limit referrals of children with functional gastrointestinal disorders while not missing organic disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Faecal calprotectin testing may be useful as it can safely rule out IBD. The aim of DOK 2.0 is to evaluate whether a calprotectin guided referral strategy could reduce the referral rate to paediatric specialist care among children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.


  1. New publication describing the management of children with non-acute abdominal pain using AHON data

  2. New publication for Dutch GPs


    Ansems, Sophie, et al. "Behandeling van kinderen met chronische buikklachten." Huisarts en wetenschap 66.10 (2023): 33-35.


G.A. Holtman
Gea Holtman Group leader, Assistant Professor Diagnostics in general practice

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
DOK 2.0
Internal postcode FA21
P.O. Box 196
9700 AD  Groningen

Visiting address
Department of Primary and Long-term Care
Oostersingel | entrance 47 | building 50 | 2nd floor
The Netherlands