Medical Library

Medical Library

We assist you with your literature search, publishing, impact analysis, and visibility. Facility
We assist you with your literature search, publishing, impact analysis, and visibility.
We provide researchers with a wide range of services. These services are aimed at covering all research stages: the literature search strategy, reference management, open access publishing, creating impact and visibility, and analysis, including citation analysis.

How our research benefits to society

Our mission is to provide professional and innovative assistance with patient care, education, and research in the field of scientific information provision, in which we strive to play a leading role, both nationally and internationally.

Our medical information specialists are always available to answer any questions or offer you the best possible assistance with your research.

Our services

  • Research librarians can jointly perform systematic reviews with you.

    Add us to your author team and we will design and manage complex, thorough searches using multiple databases. We will also provide you with:

    • Tables with detailed search strategies;
    • A narrative of a search methodology;
    • Advice about reference management (EndNote, Mendeley or RefWorks).

    We offer individual assistance with:

    • Systematic reviews (search strategy development, optimalization);
    • PICO-CAT (search strategy);
    • Finding out why your search strategy does not yield all relevant articles on a specific topic;
    • Translating a search strategy to other databases;
    • Updating an old search strategy;
    • Finding answers to questions about citation management, deduplication, checklists for study quality, reporting guidelines, search filters.

    See also: Systematic reviews - Medical Library

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

  • We provide UMCG-wide reference management support, which entails:

    • Organizing support for researchers and making sure that relevant applications and plugins are functioning and up to date;
    • Offering advice about which reference management tool may suit you best and helping you switch, if desired;
    • Offering webinars with demonstrations, as well as individual help on demand.

    See also: Reference management - Medical Library

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

  • Our services aimed at assisting researchers with publishing include:

    • Offering advice about copyright issues and the re-use of content;
    • Offering advice about how to organize plagiarism scans;
    • Helping you discover relevant journals for publishing;
    • Offering advice about how to publish: i.e. in open access or traditional journals.

    See also: Publishing - Medical Library

  • Open access publishing contributes to the transparency and openness in science, and makes research results visible to the whole community. Open access publishing is increasingly demanded by research funders and may also become part of research assessments. We provide services that allow the publishing of our research results in open access.

    We have a functional account Open Access where you can post all your questions related to open access.

    See also: Open Acces - Medical Library

    Workshop ‘Are you ready for open access publishing?’

    The aim of this workshop is to provide information about the context of open access publishing (policies), different types of open access, and quality aspects. It provides useful tips and tricks, as well as access to tools for open access that you can use to approach the journal of your interest. The aim is also to enable you to deal with the costs of open access publishing. Please visit the website for more information about the workshop - Medical Library

    Act On Acceptance

    This service makes it easier to publish articles in open access. Authors will receive information about whether the article can be published in open access, either free of charge or at a significant discount. The concomitant publisher's workflow will also be provided. If the article will be published in closed access, your publication will be shared via our Pure Repository as Green Open Access. You will not be charged for this.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • In collaboration with the Research Office, the Medical Library can help you gain insight into the impact of your publications. We perform a citation analysis that evaluates the extent to which your publication is being cited and compare the analysis results to similar publications. This analysis also evaluates on which topics your publications score best in comparison to your peers. We can also provide insight into how your publications are being received in, for instance, news sources, social media, or even policy documents.

    These analyses can be performed for individuals as well as for groups, departments, or research institutes.

    For more information, please contact us

  • The Medical Library manages and coordinates PURE for the UMCG. PURE is the corporate tool for managing, presenting, and sharing your publications, research activities, awarded grants, and datasets. It can also be used to manage and edit your research profile page and CV. All research output, activities, press/media releases, prizes, and datasets registered in PURE are shown in the University of Groningen research database and on the researchers’ profile pages. PURE enables you to make overviews and analyses for yourself, your department, your research institute, or your programme.

    See also: PURE research portal (University of Groningen)

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

  • Managing and keeping your profiles up to date is becoming more and more important for the visibility and findability of your research. We offer advice and support as to how to manage and keep your corporate profiles as well as other related research profiles up to date.

  • It is important to have an author identifier because it helps you to uniquely identify yourself online when publishing or applying for funding. An author identifier not only ensures that you will receive credit for your publication but also makes it easier for others to find your publications and, therefore, improves your visibility as a researcher. Examples of author identifiers are ORCID and Scopus Author ID. The Medical Library can help you set up these identifiers and connect them to each other or to other services.

    See also: ORCID Research Guide

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us