Our work focuses on enhancing our understanding and improving the treatment of cardiovascular disease. To this end, we initiate clinical trials and perform in depth studies of big-data sets, including the analysis of ‘omics’ data (genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, radiomics and the microbiome).


Improve diagnostics and find the mechanisms

Our long-term goal is to identify and characterize the scientific mechanisms specific to our principal areas of cardiovascular research.

We also focus on early detection of cardiovascular disease using latest cardiac non-invasive imaging modalities.

We aim to improve diagnostic strategies by implementation of advanced CT- and MRI-imaging techniques, relying on a broad spectrum of methods, ranging from traditional statistical analyses to advanced deep learning models.

Big studies that are currently ongoing are:

  • GIPS IV,
  • MyDigiTwin,
  • PreHEART study,
  • and Early-Synergy.


Small profile photo of E. Lipsic
Erik Lipsic Cardiologist

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Cardiology
Postbus 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
The Netherlands

Visiting address
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Cardiology
Hanzeplein 1