GUTS - Guided Treatment in Optimal Selected Cancer Patients (39)
TRIGR - Translational Immunology Groningen (38)
BRIDGE - Basic and Translational Research and Imaging Methodology Development in Groningen (36)
GKC - Groningen Kidney Center (28)
GIOT - Groningen Institute for Organ Transplantation (27)
SMART - Smart Movements (27)
GRIAC - Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (26)
MHD - Microbes in Health and Disease (26)
CVC - Cardiovascular Center (25)
LEARN - Lifelong Learning, Education and Assessment Research Network (25)
PHR - Public Health Research (25)
EXPAND - EXtremities Pain Active lifestyle aNd Disability (25)
ICPE - Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation (23)
CLDM - Center for Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (22)
CAPE - Critical care, Anaesthesiology, Peri-operative and Emergency medicine (22)
VALUE - Value, Affordability and Sustainability (22)
MOLAR - Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (21)
Molecular Oncology (20)
HPR - Health Psychology Research (19)
3GI - Groningen Institute for Gastro Intestinal Genetics and Immunology (19)
LCE - Life Course Epidemiology (18)
DARE - Damage and repair in cancer development and treatment (16)
CCNP - Clinical Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Research Program (15)
ROAHD - Reproductive Origins of Adult Health and Disease (15)
PEGET - Real World Studies in PharmacoEpidemiology, -Genetics, -Economics and -Therapy (14)
NiM - Nutrition Research in Medicine (14)
BDDD - Biopharmaceuticals, Discovery, Design and Delivery (13)
BRAIN - Biology-Related, Artificial,and Interventional Neuroscience (12)
MCB - Medicinal Chemistry & Bioanalysis (11)
PCN - Perceptual and Cognitive Neuroscience (11)
TARGON - Targeted Gynaecologic Oncology (11)
REGENERATE - Regenerative medicine (10)
ROBOTICS - Robotics and Image-Guided Minimally-Invasive surgery (9)
NANOBIOMED - Nanotechnology & Biophysics in Medicine (9)
Senescence, Stem cells and Inflammation (8)
Metabolism and Transport (8)
MBM - Man, Biomaterials, Microbes (8)
Digital Healthcare (7)
SALL - Stem cells, Ageing, Leukemia and Lymphoma (7)
Protein Homeostasis (6)
Innovative clinical studies and long-term treatment consequences (5)
CAD - Cognition, Ageing and Disease (5)
Onco-Immunology (4)
Personalized Cancer Treatment (1)
FOUR-C - Cure and Care in the Community Context (1)