Work Packages

The key aims of More-EUROPA are revealed in its work packages:

WP1. Development of novel analytics tools

We will:
  • assess the expected level of evidence needed by stakeholders across the life cycle of new medicinal products;
  • provide a methodological framework and tools to assess/quantify level of evidence and uncertainty to address pre-licensing, licensing decisions and reimbursement questions using registry data to augment clinical trial data; 
  • provide a methodological framework and tools for regulatory bodies and HTA agencies to use clinical trial data augmented with registry data to estimate clinical benefit and safety in target populations;
  • provide new methodology and tools to enable optimal federated analyses for regulatory questions across multiple registries that can be executed in one pass across the different databases.

WP2. Establishing RWD accessibility and usefulness

We will: 

  • provide a framework for regulatory bodies on how to use RWD to assess effectiveness and safety in subgroups of patients who are poorly represented in RCTs;
  • extend registry-based RCT evidence supporting the use of rituximab by using RWD from different European multiple sclerosis registries for effectiveness and cost-benefit;
  • provide a framework for regulatory bodies on how to use the minimal RWD dataset in their procedures.

WP3. Identifying and screening suitable registries

We will test and set standards for an efficient selection of ‘fit-for-purpose’ registries and data elements, based on leveraging a combination of machine learning tools and expert analysis.

WP4. Ethical and patient perspectives and solutions for RWD sharing and use

We will: 

  • generate a qualitatively generalizable account of patient and stakeholder perspectives on SWOTs of RWDuse in regulatory/HTA decision making;
  • explain to patients how data from other sources than clinical trials can be used to generate additional knowledge on medicines and medical devices: a training module on the analysis of data obtained from other sources than clinical trials, their limits, their potential contribution to scientific and medical knowledge;
  • assess the representativeness of the patient population in registries;
  • explore patient-relevant information and the current practices regarding PROs and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) of the case studies in More-EUROPA;
  • share More-EUROPA's developments and findings with medical coordinators of ERNs and European Patient Advisory Groups, in the context of patient and disease registries created by ERNs;
  • develop a framework for the “Ethics of RWD decision-making”.

WP5. Dissemination: Guideline development, training and implementation

We will:
  • develop guidance and a protocol for registry-based RCTs;
  • assess changes in appreciation of registry-based RWD among regulators and HTAs;
  • train regulators and HTA-staff;
  • systematically review the quality of registries in recent EU marketing authorisation and HTA assessment dossiers using EUnetHTA’s REQueST and EMA’s Guideline on registry-based studies;
  • amend regulatory and HTA/payer disease-specific guidance with a RWD/registry-based study paragraph;
  • submit a request for an EMA, Qualification Procedure – with HTA involvement – for the innovative methods, and the comprehensive framework;
  • create a strong link across the project towards adoption, implementation, and use, including a multistakeholder platform.

Register data

WP6. Project Management

We will:
  • ensure a smooth functioning and successful execution of the project.