Project More-EUROPA

Learn more about our goals, objectives and ambition and the consortium partners. 

Funding bij Horizon Europa

More-EUROPA is a project funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe). Grant agreement number: 101095479. The project involves 15 public and private organizations from seven EU countries, and started on 1st January 2023 lasting for five years.

Our goals

The aim of our project is to develop, implement and establish evidentiary standards and methods to address the data and evidentiary needs of regulatory authorities and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies towards a more efficient use of RWD for the development, registration and assessment of medicinal products in Europe. 

Objectives and ambition

We work towards a more efficient use of real-world data in the development, registration and assessment of medicinal products in Europe. This wil ultimately decrease the costs associated to drug development/licensing and speed up the accessibility and reimbursement of drugs to European people in need. Learn more about our objectives and ambiton

Consortium Partners

The consortium partners from several European countries are working together on the project. They include experts form regulatory agencies, academia and patient organisations, and wille also be supportes by a stakeholder's advisory board. Learn more about our consortium partners 

Related projects

MetReal cluster

More-EUROPA falls under the call HORIZON-HLTH -2022- TOOL -11-02 together with five other projects, that is REDDIE, REALM, Real4Reg, ONCOVALUE, and INSAFEDARE. Together, the projects form the MetReal cluster: Methods to Use Real-world and Synthetic data for regulatory purposes and health technology assessment. Through collaborative efforts, the cluster aims to advance the field by exploring innovative approaches to leverage real-world and synthetic data for regulatory and HTA decision-making. By improving the evidential value of these data and promoting their usability, the cluster aims to contribute to improving regulatory practise and HTA.
  • REDDIE: Real-world evidence for decisions in diabetes
  • REALM: Real-world data enabled assessment for health regulatory decision-making
  • Real4Reg: Development, optimalisation and implementation of artificial intelligence methods for real world data analyses in regulatory decision-making and health technology assessment along the product lifecycle
  • ONCOVALUE : Implementing value-bases oncology care at European cancer hospitals: an AI-based framework for assessing real lfe effectiveness of novel cancer therapes in real-time.
  • INSAFEDARE: Provide advanced technologies that address the challenges and exploit the opportunities surrounding real world and synthetic data-driven validation of medical devices in support of cost-effective and high assurance regulatory decision-making.